Home Insurance

Tis’ the season

As the holiday season is upon us, its a good time to remind ourselves to be prepared.  The Healthy Canadians website shares the following tips to ensure we have a festive and safe holiday season. Candles Never leave burning candles unattended. Keep them out of the reach of children and away from pets, tree decorations and wrapping paper. Cut Tis’ the season

Your ‘vacant property’ and our ‘vacant property’ may be totally different things.

Vacant Property takes means different things to different people, but in the world of insurance, it’s rather specific. While the definition can take on different meanings, the term vacant in your insurance policy should be taken seriously to avoid gaps in coverage that could result in unwanted uninsured losses. Often when we think of vacant Your ‘vacant property’ and our ‘vacant property’ may be totally different things.

Data Backup and Recovery

We see it all the time where a client has a fire, water damage, theft or any other conceivable loss that might occur.  The initial thought process of making the claim starts with comfort because the equipment is covered and will all be replaced right?  Yes.  Whew! And then it starts to come together…  What about all Data Backup and Recovery

Pool Safety

What a great week of weather we’ve had and I know we’ve all gotten a good start to another great summer.  Summer for many means backyards, bbq’s and of course swimming pools.  Way too many people are injured or worse in pools each year so make sure you’re doing your part to keep it safe. Pool Safety