Pssst… Parents With a Teen – This is a Must: Parent-Teen Driving Contract

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Have your wee ones hit the landmark age of driving? Are you freaking out a little?  Well, it’s safe to say you’re not overreacting… teens between the ages of 16 and 19 years are more likely to be injured or killed as a result of motor vehicle crashes than by any other cause. 

Maybe a little special attention to their risk is warranted. Have you signed a parent/teen driving agreement with your not-so-wee one? 

Download it here: parent/teen driving agreement 

Here’s what it looks like:

I, ________________, will drive carefully and cautiously and will be courteous to other drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians at all times.

I promise that I will obey all the rules of the road:

I promise that I will make sure I can stay focused on driving:

I promise that I will respect laws about drugs and alcohol:

I promise that I will be a responsible driver:

Complete my family responsibilities and maintain good grades at school as listed here: ____________________________________

Contribute to the costs of gasoline, maintenance, and insurance as listed here: ___________________________________________

Additional Promises: ___________________________

I agree to the following restrictions, but understand that these restrictions will be modified by my parents as I get more driving experience and demonstrate that I am a responsible driver.

Penalties for contract violations:

I agree to follow all the rules and restrictions in this contract. I understand that my parents will impose penalties including removal of my driving privileges if I violate the contract. I also understand that my parents will allow me greater driving privileges as I become more experienced and as I demonstrate that I am always a safe and responsible driver.


Driver: ___________________________________ Date ____

Parent promise: I also agree to drive safely and to be an excellent role model.

Parent (or guardian): _______________________ Date ____

Parent (or guardian): _______________________ Date ____

Check out our Resource Centre for other helpful tid-bits.