Winter-Ready Tread? Check It With the Dime Test
Winter-Ready Tread? Check It With the Dime Test
Don’t let a set of worn tires endanger your family. Check tread depth and look for other abnormalities or wear and tear so you can replace your tires before they…

1 min read

Spring Cleaning Checklist
Spring Cleaning Checklist
It’s Spring cleaning time! Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are some tips to help make your spring cleaning a breeze. Make…

2 mins read

Spring Cleaning: HVAC Filters
Spring Cleaning: HVAC Filters
In the spirit of spring cleaning? When was the last time you replaced your HVAC filters? Often overlooked, your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system should be a…

2 mins read

Cyber Attacks Up In Canada
Cyber Attacks Up In Canada
In the last year, an alarming majority of Canadian establishments reported falling victim to multiple cyber attacks, according to a recent report by Carbon Black. These breaches are not only…

5 mins read

Turning off Snapchat “Snap Map”
Turning off Snapchat “Snap Map”
Did You Know? Snapchat is one of the top five social media platforms among young people, with approximately 150 million daily active users. While Snapchat is designed to be a…

2 mins read

A Clarity of Purpose – Insurance Broker Profile
A Clarity of Purpose – Insurance Broker Profile
Insurance Broker Profile – We had the privilege of being featured in Insurance People Magazine last month… not a bad little write-up about who we are and where we came…

5 mins read