Home Insurance


Don’t Rain On My Parade

With the atmospheric river in full force, the risk of flooding is higher than usual. But let's not kid ourselves... this is BC, particularly, the lower mainland, otherwise known as Raincouver. And to be fair, we're at the end [...]

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Are You Ready for a House Fire?

Did you know that, on average, seven people die every week from house fires in Canada? It’s a scary statistic, but there’s good news: you can protect yourself and your family by learning about fire safety and having [...]

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Insuring Wine: Is it Necessary?

When it comes to insuring wine, policies often include unique features that set them apart from traditional plans. These features are specifically designed to cater to the needs and preferences of high-value homeowners and serious collectors. Real Claims Story During [...]

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Spring Home Maintenance Tips

As the winter frost thaws and the days grow longer, spring emerges as the perfect time to breathe new life into your home. While many associate spring cleaning solely with decluttering and dusting, it's also an ideal opportunity [...]

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What to do Before, After & During an Earthquake

It wasn't that long ago grocery stores ran out of food when the pandemic hit, and there seemed to be a rush of insanity throughout the greater Vancouver area. To be honest, there wasn't a need for it [...]

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Protect Your Home From Wildfires

As devastating wildfires continue to pose a significant threat to communities in many parts of Canada, it has become increasingly crucial to take proactive measures to protect our homes and loved ones. If you live in a wildfire-prone [...]

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Emergency Preparedness Week: Essential Tips to Keep Your Family Safe

It's Emergency Preparedness Week, and if you're anything like me, sometimes a little refresher is in order. The theme: be prepared, know your risks. In the face of unexpected emergencies, being prepared can make all the difference. Join [...]

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Spring Cleaning: HVAC Filters

In the spirit of spring cleaning? When was the last time you replaced your HVAC filters? Often overlooked, your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system should be a priority. Your HVAC system keeps the air [...]

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Easy Green Living Tips for Your Home

It turns out, it’s actually pretty easy being green… not only can being green help you save money, but adopting eco-friendly practices can help you positively contribute to the natural world by reducing waste, conserving energy and lowering [...]

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Valentine’s Day and Insurance = love and happiness

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend - but my insurance broker comes in a close second ;-) I feel as though this may need a little clarification. Many moons ago, prior to having any knowledge of [...]

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Chilling Your Winter Utility Bills

Baby, it's cold outside. On the plus side - great weather for cuddling on the couch... on the other hand, colder weather often brings higher energy bills for homeowners. With colder, darker days and more time spent inside [...]

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Fall Priority: Home Maintenance Checklist

Easy peasy tips to maintain the life of your home Holy Hannah, I cannot believe Fall is already here.  With the shorter days and cooler weather comes a little home prep to keep you claims-free and extend the life [...]

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Insurance tips when buying a home

We all know buying a home is an exciting time, but it’s also stressful and hectic and can mean overlooking things like insurance. Be sure to include insurance as one of your subjects when writing an offer. Overlooking this [...]

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Simple Steps to Keep Summer Burglaries at Bay

June is in full swing and we know what that means, time to plan those summer holidays. Yay! Whether you plan on staying close to home or travelling abroad, we have some excellent no-fail tips to keep burglaries [...]

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Practical lesson from my idiot brother

Let’s just say that growing up with two older brothers exposed me to a lot of stuff. Mostly, I take the high road and choose not to talk about what I’ve seen (and perhaps participated in) as a curious, [...]

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Homeowners or Tenant Insurance for Students

Do you have a child going off to university? Your university student’s most prized gear—laptop, iPhone and other electronic devices—are also most prized by thieves. There are many misconceptions about tenant's insurance including lack of personal items and [...]

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Moving? Check out this amazing checklist

Are you moving or purchasing a new property? We have a checklist for that -  download it here → SI Moving Checklist. → Did you know that most home insurance policies cover your belongings, both in your old and new home for a period [...]

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Good to Know: HVAC Filter Upkeep

If you’re anything like me, little household chores may slip your mind. No. Judgement. Here. Your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system maintains the air quality of your home. However, your HVAC system will only work [...]

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How Prepared Are You for the Big One?

I’m not sure what brought on the sudden onslaught of Seismic activity in BC, but holy moly – three in a week! If you’re anything like me, you’re suddenly a little more concerned about how prepared you are if the [...]

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Where there’s smoke…

With Lover’s Day just around the corner, I’m reminded on cozying up by the fire, enjoying a delicious glass of wine, perhaps nibbling on chocolate from a heart shaped box.  However, seeing as I work in the insurance [...]

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Clothes Dryer Safety

In a sad turn of events, a friend of mine recently lost her home to a fire that started from her dryer. Yes, her family had insurance, but the aftermath was awful. Watching her family of four being [...]

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Moving & Home Insurance: Your Complete Checklist

Have you made the plunge and opted to move? As someone who has moved nearly every year for the past 4 years, I can attest moving is not only time consuming but is extremely stressful. As chance has [...]

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World’s Best Guide to Earthquake Prep

Are You Prepared? Egad! The recent windstorm we had really shook us up (no pun intended). As restaurants and grocery stores ran out of food and people fared without power for days, there seemed to be a rush of insanity [...]

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Fall/Winter Maintenance Checklist

I love winter, there’s something very romantic about it. However, nothing kills romance like a water leak. Keep the romance alive by ensuring your home maintenance is up-to-date and nothing awful happens while you’re cozying up by the [...]

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Hey Kermit, It turns out being green is easy.

The iconic Kermit may have found being green a little hard, but there are a few simple things you can do around the home in taking a “green” approach to living. It turns out being green can be [...]

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All Awash With Love

I love my washing machine. A lot. I didn’t realize how deep my love ran for this amazing little appliance until I spent a four-month stint in Toronto in a beautiful apartment sans a washing machine. Not ideal. Just four months [...]

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What My Near-Death Experience Can Teach You

In my early twenties I had the pleasure of renting a home with 2 of my best buds. We had a lotof fun in that house. In what should be a general blur in my memory bank (like I [...]

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Holy Smokes – Is Your Smoke Alarm Working?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve known of the importance of smoke alarms and how having one can save our lives and our family. I also know how annoying a smoke alarm can be when the batteries [...]

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Puppy Love – Pet Emergency Preparation

In my early teens, my mom bought a cat that she absolutely adored. In fact, I had a sneaking suspicion she loved that cat more than me. Perhaps my first clue was her lack of sympathy for my [...]

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It’s time to talk

I’m not sure if it is pure coincidence, the company I keep, or my age bracket, but a few of my friends have recently bought homes with mortgage-helper renter suites. My friends had no problem renting the suites, but [...]

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Fireplace Safety

As winter approaches many of you will light up those fireplaces and wood stoves that have been dormant all summer. Keep these tips in mind while you burn this winter. Be sure fireplaces and stoves are installed correctly. Wood [...]

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Fire Myths Debunked

Do you REALLY know fire? Be aware of fire facts, myths and realities to protect the ones you love.   It won’t happen to me Reality: Everyone is at risk! According to Fire Prevention Canada, fires claim the lives of eight Canadians every week. Myth: [...]

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Do we really need another reason to complain about the rain?

We are all guilty of it… at one point or another, we’ve complained about the rain. But hey, isn’t that one of our given rights as a BCer. That being said, do we really need to add water [...]

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What Netflix Can Teach You About Emergency Preparation

I admit, I may have hijacked this article to relay my love of Netflix (just a little – I mean, there is something to be said for the ability to watch commercial-free back-to-back episodes of so many series). Yet, aside from being [...]

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Top 10 things you need to know about home insurance

1.   Renovations may not be covered by your current policy If your insurance company doesn’t know about the renovation, you may not have enough coverage. If you’re doing fairly major renovations, with contractors coming in and out of [...]

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Get ready… pool time is on the way

All it takes is a few beautiful days of sunshine for dreams of summer fun to start creeping into our everyday thoughts.  It may be a little too soon for backyard parties and heating your pool, but it’s [...]

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Things to consider when purchasing a home

Buying a home is an exciting time, but can also be stressful and hectic. With all the craziness that is happening around you, it is really easy to overlook things like insurance. Make sure when writing an offer [...]

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Tis’ the season

As the holiday season is upon us, its a good time to remind ourselves to be prepared.  The Healthy Canadians website shares the following tips to ensure we have a festive and safe holiday season. Candles Never leave burning candles unattended. Keep them [...]

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Your ‘vacant property’ and our ‘vacant property’ may be totally different things.

Vacant Property takes means different things to different people, but in the world of insurance, it's rather specific. While the definition can take on different meanings, the term vacant in your insurance policy should be taken seriously to [...]

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Data Backup and Recovery

We see it all the time where a client has a fire, water damage, theft or any other conceivable loss that might occur.  The initial thought process of making the claim starts with comfort because the equipment is covered and [...]

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Pool Safety

What a great week of weather we’ve had and I know we’ve all gotten a good start to another great summer.  Summer for many means backyards, bbq’s and of course swimming pools.  Way too many people are injured [...]

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