

People are encouraged to prepare for storms, heavy rain

Source: BC Government News People living on the South Coast are encouraged to prepare for a series of rainstorms starting Saturday, Jan. 27 and extending to Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024. During the five days, Environment and Climate Change Canada is [...]

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Winter-Ready Tread? Check It With the Dime Test

Don’t let a set of worn tires endanger your family. Check tread depth and look for other abnormalities or wear and tear so you can replace your tires before they become a problem in the cold months ahead. A [...]

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Why Passwords Should Be Top-of-Mind

Who runs your world? Passwords... Did you know the average Internet user has 25 accounts to maintain? Despite this, people only use an average of 6.5 different passwords to protect them, according to a Microsoft study. With identity [...]

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The Cloverdale Rodeo 2023 Parade and Road Closures

The Cloverdale Rodeo is back for 2023! Lucky us, our Cloverdale branch will have front-row seats to the 44th Annual Bed Races and Annual Rodeo Parade on May 18 and May 20. We are open both [...]

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Reviewing Your Term Life Insurance Could Save you Money

What is Term Life Insurance? Term life insurance provides life insurance protection for a pre-determined length of time. The most common term lengths are ten years, twenty years, or until age sixty-five. During the term, rates and coverage are [...]

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BC Government changes to calculating PST on private vehicle sales

Effective October 1st, 2022- Private Sale taxation is changing The provincial government announced changes to how the PST will be calculated on motor vehicles purchased through private sales. ICBC and brokers are required to enforce some changes to [...]

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Insurance Business Canada Features Schill

Source: View the original article here on the Insurance Business Canada Website This article was produced in partnership with Intact Insurance. Bethan Moorcraft, of Insurance Business, sat down with Al Schill, president of Schill Insurance, and Jeremy Green, regional vice president, British [...]

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Is your car ready for fall driving?

Another September is upon us. Many are gearing up for sweater weather but did you know fall is arguably the most important season for vehicle maintenance? Before the season’s brisk, windy weather and shorter days arise, [...]

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6 Tips to Prevent Road Rage

I'm not proud of it, but I'll be the first to admit it... I've succumbed to anger when driving. I'm only human! However, road rage often results in aggressive driving manoeuvres such as speeding, running red lights, weaving [...]

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Are you prepared for extreme heat?

Oh boy... the heat is back with a vengeance in BC. With heat warnings issued for many parts of BC, it is important to take precautions. In extreme heat and high humidity, evaporation is slowed and [...]

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May is Motorcycle Awareness Month

Spring is in the air! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining (occasionally), and the roads are calling. With warmer weather, more motorcyclists are pulling their bikes out of storage and joining our commutes and drives. [...]

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What to do if you live in an area prone to flooding or sewer backups

INSIDE YOUR HOME • Move valuable items from the basement to the upper floors. • Use water-resistant building materials below ground level. • Install a sump pump. • Install backwater valves or plugs for drains, toilets and other sewer connections. • Raise large [...]

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Have a Spooky, Safe Halloween

Celebrate Safely Do you remember how much fun it was to get dressed up as your favourite action hero, cartoon character or princess and go door to door for Halloween treats? Well, your children can now experience that same [...]

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Insuring your valuables

Your valuables are important to you—and insuring them could be the difference between momentary sadness and total heartbreak - pardon the drama... but if you've ever lost a diamond ring, you get it. The Basics Standard homeowners, condominium, or renters [...]

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Build a Roadside Emergency kit

At the risk of sounding cliche, one thing I've learned is it pays to be prepared. It only takes being stranded on the Coquihalla Highway one time to fully realize that. If your vehicle is equipped with [...]

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Winter Home Maintenace Tips

It's that time again... winter is coming. And, well, with a little more time on our hands these days, what not a better time to complete a few simple household tasks to keep our homes cozy and [...]

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Pssst… Parents With a Teen – This is a Must: Parent-Teen Driving Contract

Have your wee ones hit the landmark age of driving? Are you freaking out a little?  Well, it's safe to say you're not overreacting... teens between the ages of 16 and 19 years are more likely to be injured or [...]

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Are your locations open to the public? You betcha. All our offices are open and we are happy to help. We are back to our regular hours of operation. For a list of operating hours by branch, click [...]

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Top 10 Threats to Small Business

Optimism is the fuel that drives the entrepreneurial spirit, so it isn’t surprising that most small business owners consider themselves optimists. Too much optimism, however, can get a small business owner into trouble. A business plan built solely [...]

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Risky Business: Personal Mobile Devices at Work

In a recent survey conducted by Harris-Decima for Rogers, almost half of Canadian smartphone owners said they keep their device with them pretty much 24/7. Hmmmm, turns out I’m just another sorrowful statistic! In all fairness, we live in [...]

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Fire Safety Tips & Tools for Small Business

Fires are a serious risk for businesses of all types. It’s up to employers, managers and employees to take the proper precautions to keep themselves, their co-workers and the company safe from fire hazards. Not to worry, we [...]

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Keep Your Business Afloat

The fickle nature of Canadian weather only exacerbates the unpredictability of floods, and with so many areas susceptible to flooding, one unexpected severe storm can trigger widespread, damaging floods. Ignoring the issue of possible flooding can sink your business. [...]

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The Balancing Act: Work vs Life

According to recent studies, nearly 66% of Canadians put in 45 hours of work each week—50% more people than 20 years ago. Not only are many people putting in more hours – over 1/2 of the 25,000 Canadians who responded [...]

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From Bad to Worse SHARE:

The majority of us like to think we could handle the stress of a disaster – that we’d keep our cool should something happen. Unfortunately, the reality is without practicing safety drills on a regular basis – panic [...]

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Running a Business? Don’t be a Wile E.

All of us have a soft spot for Wile E. Coyote – I mean he tries and he tries and we sympathize, we do – but he’s not a character most of us want to emulate. On the flip [...]

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You’re Only as Good as Your Plan B

When I started in insurance, I discovered how important the old saying, “You’re only as good as your Plan B”, really is. A well thought out practical plan can mean the difference between coping with a disaster and [...]

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7 Tips for a Healthier Workstation

It turns out work really is a pain in the butt; as someone that spends a great deal of time sitting in front of a computer screen, I can attest. I came across some tips that may just save [...]

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Canada Remains Tax Competitive for Businesses

According to KPMG’s recent report titled Focus on Tax, Canada remains the most tax-competitive country for businesses. The report, which assessed the tax competitiveness of 111 cities across 10 countries, ranked Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal in the top [...]

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Why I show love to my Broker on Valentine’s Day

They say the most valuable lessons are learnt the hard way; which, in my opinion, stinks.  So, I’d like to share a brief story with you in hopes it helps someone the pain of learning the “hard way”. Several years [...]

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Home Inventory Checklist

Two weeks after I got married my house was robbed. I was out of town for the weekend and they literally cleaned house. The icing on the cake… many of the beautiful wedding gifts I had just received weren’t even [...]

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Drive Safe on Wet Roads

Compared to last year’s summer we’ve had a lot more rain. The increased rain is great for the environment but not so much those of us on the road. During rainstorms, low visibility and slick roads can create hazardous [...]

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Disaster Planning for Seniors

The recent earthquake in December caused quite a stir, with many running out to buy emergency kits for the home. It was scary but thankfully not disastrous. However, it did highlight that preparedness is half the battle. The likelihood that [...]

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Double Up on your Money and Energy Savings

According to Statistics Canada, the typical Canadian family spends over $1,600 a year on home utility bills, and a large portion of that energy is wasted. Not to fear: there are several things you can do each month [...]

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Scam Alert

Intact Insurance – one of our Insurance providers – has recently been informed that a few customers have been fraudulently contacted by someone identifying themselves as an Intact Insurance employee looking for credit card information. The person calling [...]

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Super Foods for Super Health

From retaining strength to reducing wrinkles, the foods you eat can positively impact your long-term health. Consider incorporating the following superfoods into your diet to support super health. They happen to be super tasty too! Avoid full-fat dairy and lots [...]

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Kids’ Biking Safety

It’s almost back to school time. Make sure your kids know the-ins-and-outs of biking safety, especially if it is the way they get to and from school. If nothing else, a refresher never hurts. It’s almost back to [...]

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Renting Your Home? What You Need To Know…

Fantastic… you’re considering renting out your home for a little extra moola while away for an extended period of time or for a big event nearby that’s causing the demand for lodging. Kudos to you and that money-making [...]

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Using Technology During A Disaster

We rely on technology more and more to keep in touch with our family, friends, and colleagues with a click of a button. But what happens in the event of a major emergency? Suddenly these tools can become [...]

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Top 10 Reasons to Give to a Charity

While the concept that giving to others can make you feel good about yourself is not revolutionary, there are several more subtle ways that giving to a cause can benefit your psychological, spiritual and emotional well-being. We’ve all [...]

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Top Tips to Avoid the Debt Trap

Several years ago I found myself reading a silly little novel Confessions of a Shopaholic [bang head on wall]. Clearly, this is time out of my life I’ll never get back, but I didn’t bring this up to make you [...]

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Want to Live Longer & Feel Better?

Although there are no sure-fire recipes for good health, the mixture of healthy eating and regular exercise comes awfully close. Singing the praises of a good diet is a key part to good overall health. However, this article [...]

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Protecting your skin this summer

Ya, ya, we’ve all heard the best way to prevent a sunburn is to avoid sun exposure but, COME ON, how realistic is this advice? Like a siren call, that magical ball in the sky screams for us to [...]

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Tis’ the season

As the holiday season is upon us, its a good time to remind ourselves to be prepared.  The Healthy Canadians website shares the following tips to ensure we have a festive and safe holiday season. Candles Never leave burning candles unattended. Keep them [...]

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Many BC home owners not insured for Earthquake – Are you prepared?

In light of the recent seismic activity and industry estimations that only 50% of BC homeowners purchase earthquake insurance, we felt it appropriate to pass along some information and advice. Do I need earthquake insurance? Considering that for many their [...]

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Save Money on your insurance – Increase your deductible!

Let’s talk a little bit about saving money.  We know nobody enjoys buying insurance and a hot tip on how to save is always welcomed by our clients.  The tip I’m talking about is in choosing a higher [...]

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The Importance of Consolidating Your Insurance with a Single Broker

Discover the Benefits of Centralizing Your Insurance Policies with One Broker When it comes to insurance, having all your coverage consolidated under one reliable broker offers numerous advantages. At Schill Insurance, we believe in providing you with comprehensive protection [...]

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